How "Dog Dollars" Increase Your Chance for Success

Mar 20, 2024     3:00 PM — 4:15 PM
S230 G/H
As we have learned, discretionary income is increasingly earmarked for furry family members — not for just basic care, but enrichment. A substantially better life for companion animals is in fashion now more than ever. The "Dogification" of our world continues to ramp up and opportunities abound. The key is knowing how to make the most of them. What many businesses need to more fully comprehend is the power behind decisions driven by dogs. We are now living in communities where target audiences are moving, choosing workplaces, and selecting retailers based on how they contribute to the overall happiness of their dog's life experience. In today's world, it is more about the best diet and comfy pet wardrobes. It goes beyond that.Imagine being the champion for dogs in your community. Speculate on how that position of expertise could result in improved earnings, acquisition and retention of customers, and the overall perception of your brand. Beth Miller has spent decades working with businesses and communities on differentiation through creativity and marketing. In addition to a formidable amount of experience with all facets of marketing, she has worked with pet industry clients from big box to independent. That gives her a unique perspective from which to learn. Learn how to pivot messaging and operations to turn the love of dogs into more dollars for your business. Bring your enthusiasm and curiosity as for deep dives into the tactics and tools you need to get started on a new approach to advanced results.