Pets Helping Pets - utilizing a personalized pet charity mission to turn your customers into passionate co-marketers

Mar 22, 2024     10:00 AM — 11:15 AM
S230 G/H
Creating a passionate group of customers is one of they keys to any businesses success. We always hear about the power of creating a group of "raving fans". In the pet niche, there is a specific way to do this that makes the world a better place by helping pets in need, makes your business more profitable and faster growing, and turns your customers into co-marketers that help promote your brand for you! I call it the "pets helping pets" method and it's something I created and used myself to grow my old million dollar dog brand. It involves supporting a hyper personalized pet related charity and bringing your customers along for the ride. A massive distinction needs to made between supporting a hyper personalized pet charity and just being a business that "donates to pet charities". In my presentation, I'll show you how to do it, how to get your customers involved so that all your donations turn into user generated content that your customers share to advertise for you, and how to turn "charitable giving" into a profit generating activity, not a cost, for your pet business.