PR Guide

Media & Influencer Engagement


Media and influencer engagement is an essential component of your show strategy. Members of the media and influencers are an invaluable resource that could give your products and brand game-changing exposure.

Types of Media & Influencers at the Show

Media attendance at Global Pet Expo spans across a variety of mediums and topics. The Global Pet Expo PR team has reviewed and approved all media attendees to ensure exhibitors have the opportunity to secure quality/relevant media exposure for their brand and products.

Here are some of the types of media outlets and attendees you might encounter at the show:

  • Print media, including magazines and newspapers
  • Broadcast media, such as television, radio and/or podcasts 
  • Digital media, including active, established, independent online publications and websites
  • Bloggers featuring content on the pet industry or pet-related products
  • Freelance reporters 
  • Social media influencers featuring pet products and/or brands
  • Vloggers for channels featuring pet products and/or brands

Learn more about our qualification process for media here and social media influencers here.

Engagement Opportunities for Exhibitors 

Use these  media and influencer engagement opportunities and tips to help you develop your public relations strategy for the show:

1. Download the Registered Media & Influencer List

The registered media and influencer lists contain the contact information of all registered media and influencers who’ve opted in to receive exhibitor communications. Use these lists to support your media and influencer outreach efforts and secure a high level of engagement before you even arrive at the show. Ways to use this list include:

  • Identify media and influencers your brand is most interested in connecting with and create a targeted list with those most relevant to your niche
  • Invite media and influencers to your booth or on-site event, making sure to personalize your outreach note for optimal results
  • Share press releases and announcements and/or send product teasers
  • Connect on social media
The registered media and influencer lists will be available to download in your Exhibitor Dashboard in February 2024. Both lists will be updated in real-time as media/influencers are approved, so continue to check/download the list for newly registered media/influencers ahead of the event.

2. Pitch Your New Product for the New Product Guide

Our Public Relations team is working with media on their coverage of the latest products and trends debuting at the show. The New Product Guide, provided exclusively to media and influencers, highlights newly launched products across trending pet product categories to help with their coverage of the show. 

Learn more about this opportunity and submit your product details for consideration here. Deadline is Feb. 22, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET.

3. Pitch Your Brand and Announcements

From announcing a new product or rebrand to welcoming new leadership and more, our PR team is gathering newsworthy pitches from exhibitors interested in speaking to media on-site. Your 300-word pitch, along with contact information for your on-site spokesperson, will be shared exclusively with media looking to garner fresh stories and new insights during the event.

Learn more about this opportunity and submit your pitch details for consideration here. Deadline is Feb. 22, 2024 at 5p.m. ET.


4. Upload Your Press Releases

Share your latest press releases and announcements with Global Pet Expo media and influencer attendees to access before, during and after the show. Press releases can be uploaded as collateral in your Exhibitor Dashboard and featured as part of your digital exhibitor listing. Media and influencers will be able to look up exhibitor press releases using a dedicated search function in their show planner here


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Media Engagement Tips 

1. Host an Event

Host a live event catered to media and/or influencers to drive traffic to your booth, leveraging the registered media and influencer lists to send invitations ahead of the show. Examples of media events include product demonstrations, product launches, rebrand and/or philanthropy announcements, interactive workshops, Q&A sessions or meet & greets.

Media and influencers’ schedules fill up quickly, so be sure to promote your event as soon as early as possible. During your event, position spokespeople and/or media-trained members of your team up front to help answer questions and interact with media. We encourage exhibitors to designate one or two individuals as your media and/or influencer spokesperson(s) and bring them along as a part of your on-site show team.

2. Enter Products in the New Products Showcase

If you’re launching a new product at Global Pet Expo, entering for a chance to win a New Products Showcase Best in Show award can offer great exposure to kickstart your launch. Buyers vote for the best new products across thirteen categories, with winners announced at the Best in Show Awards ceremony, garnering media and influencer attention and visibility for your product. Each category presents awards for Best in Show, Second and Third Place.

New Products Showcase registration will open in January 2024.

3. Leverage the Media Lounge

Leverage the Media Lounge to share your media kit with media and influencers at the show. Secure a cubby to display your media kit for media and influencers to learn more about your brand before entering the show floor.


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Influencer Engagement Tips 

Influencers’ goals and objectives at Global Pet Expo likely differ from traditional media. Leverage these tips to strategize and plan unique ways to engage with influencers before, during and after the show. 

1. Collaborate with On-Site Content Creation

Be proactive with content opportunities with influencers visiting your booth. Scope out the best spots for photos or videos, collaborate on content and/or offer product demos that influencers can film for dynamic content. Consider products that are visually appealing or newsworthy or meet a unique consumer need and guide influencers toward those items. 

2. Expand Your Team at the Booth

Bring your social media manager or a member of your influencer marketing team to capture content and speak to influencers about partnership opportunities. Make sure they are up to date on your brand’s influencer marketing strategy so they can speak to all the ways influencers can potentially partner with you post-show. If you don’t have the right person available at the show, prep your sales team with materials they can provide influencers outlining details on these opportunities and/or contact information for them to follow up post-show.   

3. Provide Samples and All the Details

Share product samples so influencers can capture authentic content in a real-life setting at home with their pet post-show. Provide accompanying product information (i.e., a one-sheeter or related materials) to remind them of key product benefits and talking points to refer to when using or reviewing your product, along with your brand’s social media handles and branded hashtags for easy tagging.

4. Be Active on Social Media

Social media is a great way to drum up engagement and enthusiasm with media – especially influencers – before and during the show. Nowadays, a single viral video featuring an influencer’s favorite new product can change the course of your business in a matter of minutes.

Strengthen your social media presence leading up to the show by focusing on brand awareness and community engagement with consistent content and outreach. Here are some recommendations for effective social media strategies you can (and should!) use to raise awareness of your products and attendance at Global Pet Expo:

  • Reference the registered influencer list to send requests or follows on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter/X, and TikTok.
  • Direct message registered influencers to invite them to your booth.
  • Build your brand awareness with registered influencers by engaging with their content before the show. These relationship-building efforts could potentially lead to opportunities to meet in person at the show.
  • Create and share engaging content, such as product teasers or demonstrations, to create buzz. Or, create a short clip that recaps your exhibit and/or partnerships from last year’s show.
  • Stay active! Post content and engage with your community consistently. 

5. Capture Content

Have fun with content creation at your booth! Leverage a member of your social media team to engage with influencers and their pets – as well as media and buyers – at your booth to expand your brand’s footprint at the show. When posting, make sure to tag the influencer and thank them for stopping by. They may even reshare the content, adding additional exposure to their audience. If you’re unable to bring a member of your social media team to the show, encourage your sales team to capture content onsite and prepare them with social media guidelines to follow.

6. Stay in Touch

Keep up the momentum by providing influencers with a business card or appropriate influencer contact at your company for future opportunities or collaborations. Continue the relationship building on social media post-show by engaging with their content from Global Pet Expo.



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Onsite Media & Influencer Opportunities 

Media Lounge

The Media Lounge (previously known as the Press Office), is where media check-in, access show information, and collect exhibitor media kits at the show. The space, redesigned for Global Pet Expo 2024, serves as the on-site hub for media and influencers. Make sure to stop by the Media Lounge, Room S210D, when you arrive onsite to see the new space, secure a media kit cubby, and drop off your media kit.

Media Kit Display

The Media Lounge includes a display to showcase exhibitor media materials on a first-come, first-served basis. Redesigned for 2024, this display case features individual cabinets to hold exhibitor materials. We recommend bringing 150 media kits, press releases and/or other media materials for all three show days, and make time to check in during the week to replenish your supply as needed. Cubby-sized product samples are also permitted, but please be advised that these samples will not be returned.

Be sure to include your booth number in your materials so that media can locate you on the show floor. Consider displaying a small sign on the front-facing side of your cubby with your company name/logo and booth number. Use the Exhibitor Services Kit to place signage orders with our official service contractor, Global Exhibition Specialists (GES).

Media Kit Bin Dimensions

Cubby: 11 ¾’’ W x 13 ¼” H x 18” D  
Signage (to customize the front-facing panel): 8.5" W x 11" H


For questions about the Media Lounge, contact [email protected].


Media Lounge Location & Hours

Room S210D
North/South Building, South Concourse
Orange County Convention Center

Media Kit Drop Off for Exhibitors
Monday, March 18              Noon – 5 p.m.
Tuesday, March 19              9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Media Lounge Hours
Wednesday, March 20        8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Thursday, March 21            9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday, March 22                  9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

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Public Relations Tips

Media and influencer coverage can create momentum, drive sales and make headlines for your brand, so engagement with these audiences during Global Pet Expo is equally important as your buyer outreach. Use these tips to help develop your PR strategy and campaign for the show to maximize your potential for earned media and influencer coverage.

Your Plan for PR Success

By effectively using public relations tools and tactics, you can:

  • Demonstrate key messages
  • Build brand awareness
  • Enhance product or service quality perceptions
  • Strengthen relationships with customers and/or target audiences
  • Motivate purchasing

Public relations can accomplish all of this in a way that goes beyond advertising, direct marketing or commercial promotion because its primary weapon is news – people perceive what is said about you in the news as more credible than what you say about yourself in advertising.

Plan Your Message

Before assembling any press materials or starting outreach efforts, it’s essential to draft key messages surrounding your company/product/news to engage and inform the media.

Key Messaging

Key messages should center around the things you want to be sure to communicate about your company, brand or product. They should:

  • Consist of brief, positive points
  • Contain broad, memorable themes
  • Be factual; never speculate or guess
  • Lend itself to “transitioning” and “bridging” (see below) 
  • Be incorporated into all written materials and interviews (if applicable)

Elevator Pitch

Consider developing a short “elevator pitch” for media interviews or conversations. This message should last no longer than 15 seconds and be easy to memorize. We recommend designating one individual as your spokesperson to ensure consistency.

Sample Elevator Pitch (fictional companies):

“After years of research, ACME PetTreats is proud to announce ‘Treetz,’ a revolutionary product that looks like a human ‘tic tac’ and eliminates bad breath in pets for up to 24 hours. ACME is committed to products that make life for you and your pet more enjoyable.”

“A leader in the treats space for more than two decades, ACME PetTreats is excited to announce that it is launching a new philanthropic partnership with the American Animal Shelter (AAS). For each bag of treats sold, $5 will be donated to helping AAS find pets their ‘fur-ever’ homes.”


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    Media & Influencer Outreach

    To yield the best results and garner the most media and influencer engagement during the show, begin your public relations outreach and efforts before the show. This can include:

    Media Alerts or Advisories

    Create a brief announcement alerting media and/or influencers to an upcoming event or activity. For example, a media alert for Global Pet Expo could highlight your participation at the event, tease what you are planning to announce and/or what spokespeople will be on-site and available for interviews.

    Always include the “Five Ws” (Who, What, When, Where and Why) and contact information for the person facilitating any media/influencer inquiries on-site. You can use this example/template to help you get started.

    Pitches and/or Introductory Notes 

    Draft a set of targeted pitches to gauge interest and schedule on-site interviews and/or meetings. These communications can tease announcements, spokespeople available at the show or other news-worthy tidbits to pique media interest.

    Consider targeting pitches to specific outlets and/or reporters. For example, if your organization is launching a line of sustainable pet products, consider reaching out to reporters or influencers who have previously covered that beat or expressed interest in learning more about those types of products.

    That said, you can still cast a wide net with introductory notes and/or pitches to highlight how your brand/spokespeople can be a resource for any stories they might have in the works. For more broad pitches, include a list of topics you feel comfortable discussing or the types of products your brand specializes in.

    Always include contact information for the person facilitating media/influencer inquiries on-site. You can use these examples/templates to help you get started.

    Press Releases

    When writing a story, the media's primary consideration is that the topic is relevant to their readers or viewers. It's important to remember that distributing a press release doesn't guarantee that your story will appear in the news, so capturing media attention is essential to writing a good press release.

    Structure of a Press Release

    Every good press release should communicate the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. To do this effectively, we recommend using the following structure: 

    1. Start with an attention-grabbing headline. 

    2. Lead with the most vital information in the opening paragraph.

    3. Expand on that lead in the body of the release. Present details in decreasing order of importance – think of an inverted pyramid, with the most crucial information at the top and the least at the bottom.

    4. Insert a closing paragraph about your company – also known as a boilerplate – at the bottom of the press release.

    Additional Tips

    • Always date your press releases and provide a contact name, phone number, company name and email address.

    • Make sure you have photos available for any media who express interest.

    • When announcing new products, include consumer availability, suggested retail price and marketplace significance.

    Drafting Your Press Release

    • Use this template to help you get started.

    • For additional examples, look at some of Global Pet Expo and APPA’s latest press releases here and here.



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      Assembling & Sharing Your Media Kit

      Media kits are important resources to give media and/or influencers all the facts, figures and background information they need to tell a compelling story. Your media kit should be clear and concise so they can easily learn about your brand, product(s) and access photos and videos to use in their content. 


      • Backgrounder or Fact Sheet: A one-sheeter with facts about your brand, products, and booth information. 

      • Contact Information: Company name, booth number, contact name(s), email address, phone number, website and social media channels for any media inquiries. Pro-tip: Prominently display your booth number on all materials so media can locate you on the show floor if they want to learn more.

      • Press Releases: Any announcements highlighting new product launches or recent enhancements. Keep these limited to fresh information.

      • Product Information: Clear and concise descriptions of your product, how it works, an image and the type of pet the product is intended for. Note: This can be included in your Backgrounder if you are only including one product. 

      • Media Assets: High-resolution photos/videos of your product. For printed materials, consider using a QR code to scan for access to digital assets.

      • Social Media Card: Consider a social media card that includes all your social media handles for influencers.

      Displaying Your Media Kits


      • In organized packets or folders. Remember – presentation is key.

      • Keep copies at your booth and secure a media kit cubby in the Media Lounge to display your media kits.


      • Hosted on your website or uploaded online using a file-sharing service like Hightail or Dropbox. Consider creating a QR code to easily share the link with media.

      • USB drives with materials electronically uploaded.


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        Follow this suggested timeline for your media and influencer outreach. Remember that media and influencers’ schedules fill up quickly! The earlier you finalize media materials and conduct outreach, the better positioned you’ll be for media and influencer success.

        Two Months Before the Show (January 2024)

        • Begin preparing media materials, including pre-show outreach messaging/documents and/or media kit materials.

        • Submit information to the Global Pet Expo PR team ahead of deadlines for the New Product Guide and Pitch Sheet.

        • Enter your product(s) in the New Products Showcase.

        One Month Before the Show (February 2024)

        • Download and review the registered media and influencer lists, and establish your action plan. 

        • Begin your pre-show outreach. Be sure to periodically download new lists to add any new relevant registrants to your target list.

        • Upload your press release to the Global Pet Expo website.

        Two Weeks Before the Show

        • Firm up media and/or influencer interest, schedule meetings and/or finalize event details.

        • Practice your elevator pitch and assign media and/or influencer point(s) of contact for the show.

        • Finalize any media materials, ensuring your booth number is prominently displayed.

        Show Week

        • Stop by the Media Lounge to drop off your media kit.

        • Ensure your spokesperson(s) are prepared to speak to any media that stop by your booth.

        • Take advantage of Global Pet Expo-hosted networking opportunities and events; you never know when you might make a connection with a reporter or influencer interested in your story.

        After the Show

        • Keep in touch with any media and/or influencers you met at the show. 

        • Send follow-up notes and keep media up-to-date on any new announcements. 

        • Follow influencers on social media and continue to interact with their content.


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          Interacting with Media and Influencers at the Show

          While scheduling media interviews and influencer interactions is always desirable, it isn’t always feasible. Media and influencers will likely swing by your booth at the show and ask your team questions. They might sit beside you at the New Products Showcase “Best in Show” Award, or you might strike up a conversation on the walk back to the hotel, among other potential unplanned interactions.

          With this in mind, we recommend designating one or two individuals as your media and/or influencer spokesperson(s) and bringing them to the show as a part of your on-site team. Make sure this person is comfortable speaking with media, well-versed in the materials in your media kit, and knows your elevator pitch, recent announcements, influencer programming details and/or social media handles. If/when your sales team is faced with a media or influencer interaction, this person can quickly step in to help bridge any gaps and ensure consistency with your brand’s messaging.

          If your designated spokesperson(s) has to step away from your booth, ask if the reporter/influencer can come back to your booth when they return or take down the reporter/influencer’s contact information to set up a meeting later. 

          Alternatively, if you are unable to bring a member of the team who is well-versed in media and influencer relations, consider preparing a contact card with the designated PR and/or social media/influencer marketing person’s contact information so media and influencers can reach out to them to set up interviews, ask questions, etc. Be sure to take down the reporter/influencer’s contact information (or scan their badge with your lead retrieval) so both parties can reach out. This way, your team can keep the conversation going and still leverage the potential relationship to its fullest extent.


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            Media Interviews

            Do’s and Don’ts

            If a member of the media requests to set up an interview during or after the show, keep the following in mind – no matter who is interviewing you or what the subject matter is.


            • Relax and be comfortable.
            • Prepare a strong set of key messages, so you are ready to approach any interview as an opportunity to tell a story rather than simply answering questions.
            • Make simple statements – remember your key messages and stick to them.
            • If a reporter asks an off-topic or “trick” question, it is your job to steer the interview back to your key messaging, known as “transitioning” or “bridging.” Example transition phrases include:
              • “What we know…”
              • “The main thing we are focusing on is…”
              • “Keep in mind that...”
              • “It’s important to remember that...”
              • “What we’ve been hearing from our peers...”


            • Never tell lies or untruths.
            • If you don’t know an answer, don’t fake it. Commit to finding the information and follow up with the reporter.
            • Never say, “No comment.”
            • Never assume something is off the record. Anything you say in front of a reporter can be fair game.
            • Do not argue with the reporter.
            • Do not feel the need to fill the void if the reporter is silent.

            You do have the right to:

            • Know in advance the subject of the interview
            • Stress positive information
            • Withhold negative or proprietary information
            • Use notes and press materials
            • Ask when the story may be released or for a timeline
            • Pick the location of the interview (if in-person)

            You do not have the right to:

            • Know specific questions in advance
            • Approve quotes
            • Ask for another reporter to do the story
            • Lie to the reporter
            • Decide that the interview is off the record (there is no such thing as “off the record”)
            • Ask to see the story before it is published


            Preparing for an Interview

            General Interview Tips:

            • Research the reporter’s coverage areas/previous work.
            • Decide what your main points will be. Reporters are most interested in quickly getting to the heart of the story, which typically means answering the following questions:
              • What happened?
              • Why did it happen?
              • What does it mean?
              • Why should my readers/viewers care?
              • Reporters are looking for what’s new and different!
            • Brainstorm potential tough questions and the answers.
            • Practice with a mock interview.

            Television and/or in-person interviews:

            • Make eye contact. Look at the reporter – not the camera.
            • Be aware of nonverbal messages. First impressions matter.
            • Wear neutral clothing and avoid bright colors and patterns.
            • Smile if appropriate – it conveys confidence and trust.
            • Maintain good posture. Lean forward, be steady and limit unnecessary hand movements.
            • ALWAYS assume the microphone and recording device is on.

            Video interviews (i.e., Zoom, etc.):

            • Find a quiet and well-lit place to conduct the interview.
            • Use headphones to deliver the best audio.
            • Position the camera at eye level or slightly above.
            • Make sure you have a clean/attractive background.
            • Turn off all potential distractions/interruptions.
            • Test the video/recording platform in advance (e.g., Zoom, Skype, etc.).
            • Use the mute button when appropriate.
            • Practice with your equipment to ensure the lighting, background, frame, etc., are video-ready.

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