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Show Rules &
Code of Conduct 

All show attendees must confirm they have read and understood the Show Floor Rules & Code of Conduct on the Attendees Registration Form. 

Show Floor Rules

  • Show Management shall have sole discretion over admission at all times.
  • Exhibit Hall access is limited to the Registration Category assigned to your company.
  • Children under 13 are not allowed on the show floor, including infants and toddlers.
  • Wheeled carts/wagons and large wheeled suitcases are not allowed on the Exhibit Floor.
  • Solicitation is prohibited on the show floor except by exhibitors within their booths.
  • Cash sales are prohibited.
  • Any promotional materials placed or distributed outside the exhibitor’s booth without the prior written consent of Management will be removed and discarded. 

Animals on the Show Floor

  • Service animals are always welcome.  The definition of a service animal can be found on the ADA website.
  • Permission for any animal to be allowed on the show floor or in a booth must first be approved by Show Management.  Buyer and Manufacturer Representative attendees are not permitted to bring animals onto the show floor.
  • It is the animal owner or handler's responsibility to clean up after the animal while on facility property.
  • All animals must be on a leash and under constant control at all times.
  • The owner or handler is fully responsible for their animals at all times.
  • Any exhibition involving live animals must comply with all laws, rules, and regulations governing their use in such activities.
  • The owner or handler must comply with the OCCC Animal Policies.

Photography & Video Policy

From time to time, Show Management or its contractors will record, photograph, and/or stream the various aspects and activities of Global Pet Expo for both archival and promotional purposes. By attending Global Pet Expo, Exhibitors/Attendees give Show Management and its contractors permission to use any Exhibitor/Attendee’s voice and image in any such archival or promotional recording, photograph, or streaming activity without any compensation or credit to the Exhibitor/Attendee.


  • Photos/videos of any Exhibitors/Booths require the permission of the Exhibitor.
  • Attendees and Exhibitors are prohibited from taking photographs/videos of any product/display in the New Products Showcase area other than their own.
  • Press badges may be given to members of the media who are authorized to photograph and video.

Event Code of Conduct

In order to participate in Global Pet Expo, all exhibitors, buyers, speakers, sponsors, Show Management, agents, contractors, Exhibit Hall and Trade Show facility management, APPA and PIDA staff, and more generally all attendees and participants to Global Pet Expo (each a “Participant” and together the “Participants”), must agree to abide by this code of conduct (“Code of Conduct”).

Expected Behavior

In order to support an environment that builds community and positive connections, the following behaviors are expected of all Participants in Global Pet Expo:

  • Treat all participants with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
  • Be considerate, respectful, and collegial.
  • Behave in accordance with professional standards (such as this Code of Conduct, and applicable laws).
  • Communicate with respect for others, critiquing ideas rather than individuals.
  • Avoid personal attacks directed toward other Participants.
  • Respect the rules and policies of the Orange County Convention Center, hotels, or any other venue associated with Global Pet Expo.

Unacceptable Behavior

Violations of this Code of Conduct include but are not limited to the following:

  • Harassment in any form, including bullying, threatening, stalking, intimidation, microaggressions, insinuations or disparaging comments that are hurtful or interfere with any other Participant’s experience.
  • Sexual harassment, including but not limited to, unwanted or inappropriate conduct, unwanted sexual attention, comments, jokes, or advances.
  • Violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
  • Possession of a weapon or any item that can be used as a weapon, which may be used to threaten or cause injury to others if used in a certain manner.
  • Discriminatory jokes and language based on sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, gender identity, religion/creed, national origin or political views.
  • Failure to obey any rules or regulations of the event venue, including any destruction or vandalizing of personal or event property and materials.
  • Boisterous, lewd or offensive behavior or language that disrupt Global Pet Expo, a session, or other formal or event segment in any way.
  • Falsely reporting violations of this Code of Conduct and/or retaliating against another Participant for reporting a violation of this Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct is not intended to be all inclusive, and it is likely there will be conduct and/or issues that it does not specifically address. In that event, as in all others, Participants are expected to follow the direction of Show Management who will take appropriate action to ensure the safety, security and well-being of Participants.

Show Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine what constitutes unacceptable behavior and what actions it will take to address incidents that occur.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone asked by Show Management or affiliates to stop engaging in unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a Participant engages in unacceptable behavior or fails to comply with expected behavior at any time during Global Pet Expo, Show Management may take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to removing the Participant from Global Pet Expo and/or any affiliated event without a refund, disqualification from attending future events, or notification of on-premises security or local law enforcement as necessary.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior

If you witness or are subjected to unacceptable behavior or have any other concerns during Global Pet Expo, notify Show Management or any affiliate as soon as possible. If you have questions in advance of the event regarding the Code of Conduct or its implementation, please email

By checking the box “I have read and understood the Show Floor Rules & Code of Conduct” on the Attendees Registration Form, I accept and will adhere to the Code of Conduct when participating in Global Pet Expo. I understand that Show Management may take any action it deems appropriate, including removing me from Global Pet Expo and/or any affiliated event without a refund, should I fail to adhere to this Code of Conduct.